Charity Jones is a fine artist based in Seattle, Washington. Originally from St. Louis, she pursued studying music in college but later switched gears to visual art. Charity was raised in a strictly religious environment, which allowed her to zero-in on creative endeavors from a young age. While almost entirely self-taught, her work is the culmination of a lifetime spent holding a pen or brush.
Charity's art serves as a journal of her experiences both at home and living abroad. Her surrealist style is an exploration of life and self, with heavy symbolism and storytelling via the visual medium. Outside of her experience in a correspondence school in Minneapolis, she is entirely self-taught. To her, art is the quintessential expression of what it is to be human.
Charity believes in creating art everywhere, especially spaces where the music sounds just right and no one knows her name. She utilizes symbols and weaves lyrics from popular songs into her own surrealist tapestries, working in mechanical pencil and oil pastel. These surreal drawings engage with all manner of emotional subject matter and inspire thoughtful introspection. Meanwhile, her Urbanscapes express the way she sees the world around her.